Finding The Real

JB: “Are we there yet?”

While the Range Rover presently being driven by one Gavin Taylor is a spacious option, ideal for long road trips through the middle of God-only-knows, the long journey has begun to make those unknowing participants in the back seat increasingly uncomfortable. The most uncomfortable is Ava St. Claire, who had resigned herself to a period of silence, not wanting to trigger another debate about the merits of the Deadpool versus Deathstroke debate – not after the last time. She was still baffled at how she ended up in such a seat in the first place. Surely, she wasn’t losing importance to her own assistant, Violet Appleby (seated shotgun), who had seemed to develop her own rapport with the All-Star. But as she glanced away from her phone to receive a glance at this arid landscape, all she had were questions.

GT: “We’re close…”

That answer seemed to satiate Jack Barker, who, along with his brother Karl, made up Gavin Taylor’s “All-Star Security.” But while the private security force were content to occupy themselves with “I Spy” and “License Plate Bingo,” Ava’s patience was wearing ever thinner. Still, Gavin drives on.

VA: “So… uh… what is the plan here?”

Violet Appleby’s question cuts through the tension like a knife, rife with her completely absent expectations. She looks towards Gavin wide-eyed, as though she was as starstruck as she was when first introduced to The All-Star. And when she doesn’t get an answer, she presses on.

VA: “Is this a team-building exercise? Are we going to an escape room? Or is this the exercise? I mean the car ride. What have you got in mi-“

ASC: “For Christ’s sake, Vi… if he wanted to tell us, he’s had plenty of opportunity before now.”

Violet’s eager, earnest questions dry up as she sits back down, her shoulders slouched. Gavin, however, speaks lowly, as if to her directly.

GT: “Soon, Violet.”

It takes every ounce of willpower in Ava’s body not to throw her hands in the air right then. Something felt off for her… not just with Gavin, but with the whole situation. It made her feel uneasy – Ava St. Claire didn’t like not knowing what was going on, and over the last 16 months, Gavin had her out of her comfort zone rather consistently.

ASC: “Look, Gavin, clearly we’re all very busy here and don’t have time to waste on this.”

It’s Karl Barker that shrugs first, prompting Jack to mirror him.

KB: “I got nothing else on the go.”

JB: “Same.”

Ava rolls her eyes.

ASC: “Okay, so maybe Jack and Karl are free, but Violet and I have a lot of work to do to instead be running around doing God only knows what. You are wasting our time, Gavin! Please… just tell us what’s going on or let us hitch back to the city so we can move on entirely, because I just can’t keep up with this anymore… your games, your silence. You go out there and attack Xander fucking Valentine. You don’t pass anything by my desk anymore. I need to know what this is here. I need to know what’s going on in your head. I need…”

GT: “Maddie’s gone.”

This bombshell brought the entire car to a dead silence. Gavin shrugs, reaching down to turn on the radio.

ASC: “Wh… Vi, stop him!”

Violet reaches over to block the radio dial, successfully doing so. Gavin only sighs.

GT: “You wanted to know what was going on in my head, well there it is.”

ASC: “Gavin, I had no…”

GT: “Idea? I know. I meant to keep it that way, at least as long as it was simple. Nothing’s been filed. I don’t know if anything will be filed. But work just… it complicated things, you know? She has her work. I have mine. Tough to make things come together, so to speak.”

JB: “,,,Kab-?”

GT: “Don’t.”

ASC: “I don’t get it… are you saying you’re only separated?”

GT: “Yeah. Trial basis. I could have given up everything I’ve worked for to support her and her career, but I was too deep here. That’s why I need this. That’s why I need to prove myself to everyone, myself especially.”

VA: “Gavin, is that why we’re out here?”

Gavin nods his head a bit. Looking out ahead, Gavin begins to turn the wheel.

GT: “We’re here…”

The gang looks out the windows, seeing a storage unit in front of them. Gavin pulls up beside an empty U-Haul truck before shutting the car of.

ASC: “What is this?”

GT: “I’ve been the All-Star for over 15 years, Ava. In that time, I’ve seen it all and done most of it. Everything I’ve received… every fan letter, every new merch concept, has ended up here.”

KB: “Sick! Museum!”

Gavin chuckles.

GT: “Not exactly. See… this is essentially a shrine to all things All-Star, which is why we need to pack it up for the funeral.”

ASC: “I’m sorry… the what?”

GT: “We’re going to have a funeral, and put “The All-Star” to rest.”

There isn’t an expression in the area that isn’t steeped in shock, other than Gavin’s. As everyone stands dumbfounded……


“No one ever said that this would be easy.

I walked in to the Wrestling Association of Mexico about 16 years ago, a fresh-faced youngster with all the talent in the world and a chip on his shoulder after being ruled out of professional drafts due to an ill-timed injury. Suddenly the hottest young prospect became a risk too great for anyone to take. But from that chip developed one of the top, unheralded talents on the planet…

“The All-Star” was meant to be a reflection of myself, a nod to my real athletic background, and a promise of things to come. But it’s funny… the thing about promises is that they can be broken. And here I am, 16 long years later. I could regale you with all the reasons why I took the position that I did. I could elaborate on my motives… give you insight into the mind of an All-Star, but that wouldn’t be prudent, would it? Not at this point, at least. There will be time for all of that, but right now, I don’t want my next opponent to think that I’m overlooking her, not for a minute.

Kirsten Scott… you know what? Don’t Google “Kristen Scott” unless you have your parental filter on or you want to be hit with a deluge of porn. Your names are very close, or so Karl tells me. To denigrate you as such would be to disrespect you, and that’s not something you deserve. Champions… even former ones… don’t deserve to be dismissed because of the people who almost share their names. No,, our engagement is slightly different, and I want you to know that I understand why you’re upset with me. After all, you were the benefactor of my message to my old friend, Xander. But please, I’m no Savior… I don’t think anyone else wants to be mistaken as such given what Simon Lyman has done with the word in recent weeks. But no… please don’t think my actions were designed in any way to help you. It could have been anyone else in that position and I still would have needed to do what I did, so instead of playing self-righteous and claiming I was trying to “be your savior,” a simply “Thank you, Mr. Taylor” would have sufficed.

Kirsten… sorry to say that our encounter on Breakdown is not going to be about you either. You may have it in your head that this match is for you to “correct” my interjection in your recent match with Xander, but I would tell you that such thoughts are folly. You may want to move past that with a victory, but while I prepare for the biggest test of my career, I fucking need this. I want it more than you. I need it more than you. I’m not doing this to remind anyone of who I am. I’m doing this to show what I’m really capable of.

Yogi Berra once said “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Well, I’m at that fork in the road, and at Breakdown, I’ beginning the process of taking EVERYTHING! Pay attention… watch the signs… I’m about to make some magic.”

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