Season Two: The Pitch(es)

“Picture this: Gavin Taylor – EMERGE Champion.


Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? I mean, let’s be honest. There is a small class of people in EMERGE that is truly ready to be the top dog, the numero uno. There’s Jenni Helms, a young woman who has shown all the potential to rise to the occasion. There’s Willow Wilkes, who has been World Champion in now-defunct promotions. There’s Jason Dillinger, who still has this annoying little contract that allows him to book any match he sees fit. And there’s me, your present longest-reigning Champion in the company.


Not that this should come as any surprise to you. I mean, I AM the All-Star. I have a list of accolades spanning companies and over a decade of demonstrated greatness. The issue – my biggest rival in that time – has been timing. I’ve built myself up, and just as I was about to reach up and grab that brass ring that had been dangling over my head… snap! The brass ring is taken away because the company shuts down. I give them every tool needed for eternal success and they fail to capitalize. Their loss, literally, has become the gain of EMERGE, who I have represented as RUSH Champion proudly. But all good things should lead to better things. For me, reigning as RUSH Champion has held me back from my true destiny. But, it’s a new season for our hero and pals… a new season, and it’s going to be scorching hot.


And it’s going to make the idea of “GAVIN TAYLOR: EMERGE CHAMPION” reality!”




And then there was one.


After the events of EMERGE Invasion: Washington DC, Gavin Taylor had defeated Kandis in an admittedly dubious manner, throwing a hot liquid into her face as she charged towards him in their falls count anywhere match. It was a polarizing moment. Critics have derided Gavin, the self-professed best PURE athlete in the world, for utilizing a foreign substance to deflect his opponent’s attack and secure victory, while supporters have pointed out that everyone knew the rules of the match prior to going into it, that the “anything goes” nature of the match made such a move as acceptable as a headlock, and that Gavin simply showed a Champion’s instinct in using is surroundings to his advantage. For Gavin, it was only the end result that mattered: He was still the reigning EMERGE RUSH Champion, and with Peyton Rice deciding to move up to SCW at the conclusion of the show, that made him the top Champion in EMERGE.


So it came as little surprise that Gavin, flanked by Jack and Karl Barker, his All-Star Security (A.S.S.) appeared at SCW headquarters following the conclusion of his unsuccessful battle royal appearance at that company’s end of year special. With his agent, Ava St. Claire expertly working over Dexter Schmidt, Gavin wanted to make sure all of his bases were covered. Going to the head offices of the parent company? Seemed like a no-brainer… in a manner of speaking.


“Excuse me,” a young woman behind a reception desk right at the front door flags Gavin down as his A.S.S. attempt to open the door in front of him. “Can I help you?”


Gavin grins, turning around to lean on the reception desk. He reaches into his coat and pulls out the Rush Championship, setting it gently on the desk in front of him. As he leans, he opens his long wool coat, showing a suit jacket underneath buttoned up over no shirt.


“Gavin Taylor, RUSH Champion,” he introduces himself. “is the Board meeting now? I’d like to speak to someone important.”


“Um, the Board of Directors has a set meeting schedule, and are adjourned until next week,” the receptionist regretfully informs Gavin, who slouches briefly before picking himself back up.


“Is there anyone I can speak to?” he asks politely, attempting to work his charms over on the young woman. “I’d really like to express my respect and admiration for the work they do, and maybe provide a little bit of input on EMERGE.”


“Isn’t the new EMERGE GM installed now?” she innocently asks. Gavin smiles, nodding his head.


“Dexter Schmidt… good choice, I think,” Gavin confirms. “I already have my agent meeting with him today to iron out a few details before the next season starts, but you know what they say about the squeaky wheel getting the grease, right?”


She shakes her head.


“That the squeaking wheel… gets the grease,” he states. “That’s literally the entire cliché.”


The receptionist, almost embarrassed, nods her head. “I knew that,” she said. Gavin smiles wide, almost settling the young woman where she sits.


“What’s your name?” he asks, attempting to settle her further.


“J-J-Judy,” she answers.


“Well J-J-Judy,” Gavin responds with a subtle reference to the oft-forgotten Jetsons Movie, where Judy Jetson is about to be asked on a date by her music star crush Cosmic Cosmo… well, it was less of an “ask” and more of a “we’re doing this”, and in today’s world of consent and empowerment, it would never be duplicated as such. But still, having once seen that movie, being aware of the reference, and not realizing that Gavin is married, she gets her hopes up. Leaning forward, she almost rises out of her chair completely, nodding her head as Gavin smiles. “Perhaps you can write out a message for your bosses from me.”


Deflation. Her dreams dashed, Judy sinks back into her chair, opening a word document and preparing to type. “Okay, whenever you’re ready,” she instructs. Gavin smiles.


“Great…” he says, which she types. “No-no, you don’t have to write “great” out. You’ll know when to start.”


She types al of that out before realizing that he was giving instruction and not dictation. Backspacing, she looks up sheepishly. “Sorry.”


“Okay… “Ladies and gentlemen of the Board of Directors”… are there women on the board?” Gavin asks in earnest. Judy nods. “Great…”Thank you for inviting my comments on recent developments in EMERGE Wrestling, your talent feeder to Supreme Championship Wrestling. Please note that, while I understand others have been able to bypass the EMERGE promotion, I have personally made it my mission to make it as much of an actual standalone promotion as SCW itself is.” Good?”


“Great!” Judy exclaims. “Is that all?”


“Of course not,” Gavin says, dismissing the idea that he would have so little to actually say. “… “In 2018, I reigned for over half of the existence of the EMERGE RUSH Championship as it’s Champion. I appeared as Champion in SCW’s Taking Hold of the Flame battle royal, defended it unsuccessfully at Rise to Greatness before regaining it two months later, and even appeared at the End of Year Showcase in the battle royal, where I ended up in the final six before being eliminated by eventual winner, Owen Cruze.”… my nephew.”


Judy looks shocked. “Owen Cruze is your nephew?” she asks. Gavin nods his head,


“Well, step-nephew,” Gavin confirms and clarifies. “His stepmom, Taylor Chase, is my sister-in-law.”


More deflation. She thought – hoped – that Gavin was single. Sorry, ladies.


“But let’s keep going,” he directs. “I’m writing to you today to express myself and my ambitions as it pertains to the new season of EMERGE. While my Agent, Ava St. Claire, has been negotiating with Dexter Schmidt to improve my position within EMERGE, I would also like to expand my horizons by offering my services to SCW. Imagine it: Gavin Taylor, the EMERGE Champion, appears on SCW Breakdown and makes an immediate impact! It’s something that the wrestling world NEEDS. I know I identified myself as RUSH Champion before and EMERGE Champion in this proposal, but that is because I am… pardon the pun… SUPREMELY confident that Mr. Schmidt will do the right thing and install me as EMERGE Champion at the #14 event. Maybe I’ll defend THAT title against Mya Denton, while the RUSH Championship will be put up in that newbie tournament.”


“Are you… are you trying to get the Board to influence your standing in EMERGE?” Judy asks, reasonably.


“I would never seek to exploit political pull for a push for myself,” Gavin responds, almost offended. Or pretend-offended. You can never really be too sure as far as the All-Star is concerned. “But this is good, let’s keep going… “But that’s not for you to decide. I understand that my Agent’s negotiations with Mr. Schmidt are of the utmost importance to that end. What I wish for is the opportunity to display my talents again to a full worldwide audience. I’m sure you’ve seen the numbers… Gavin Taylor is money. Gavin Taylor is ratings. And in the end, isn’t that what the business is about? Money and ratings? People want to see me. I implore you to give the people what they want. Give the people The All-Star. Thank you.”… Now read it back to me…”


“Are you…” Judy begins to ask before Gavin starts to laugh.


“No, you don’t ACTUALLY have to,” he immediately allays her fears. “What would that accomplish besides inflating my time here? No… and, also, when you pass the message along, please keep the contents to yourself. I don’t need the rumour mill churning about that Gavin Taylor is looking to make the jump to SCW. Let’s keep that between you, me, my A.S.S., and the Board, mmkay?”


Judy nods her head, making a “lips zipped” motion at her face, which brings a smile onto Gavin’s face. “Good,” he says. “Thank you, J-J-Judy… and I’ll see you around.”


Gavin slides the belt off of the desk and places it over his shoulder, does his coat back up, and exits the building, followed by Jack and Karl. The scene shifts…



“Since liberating the EMERGE RUSH Championship from the void of charisma known as Abattage, I had defended it against some of the top talent the company has to offer. I defended against Jason Dillinger, who went on to win himself the right to book any match he so chooses. I defended against Drake Hemingway, who came close to becoming EMERGE Champion at the season finale in DC. I defended against Kandis at that same program. And as I defended it, I continually upped the game and upped the focus on the RUSH Champion. So imagine my dismay when I found out that at the beginning of season two, I would be tasked with defending the Championship against… Mya Denton.


Hmm… okay.


 I mean, I understand it and all. A lot of the EMERGE roster have either dropped off the face of the planet or moved up to SCW. But for a BRAND NEW SEASON to be a retread of Gavin Taylor versus Mya Denton feels so… usual. It’s to be expected that you would want someone as talented and as accomplished as I am to reach down below my weight and pull someone below up to a higher level. That’s what I do, and that’s what Mya Denton needs. I’m going to be tasked at EMERGE #14 to reach down to the pit of my soul and lift Mya up to almost… almost reach my level! But Mya needs to understand that what happens at EMERGE #14… it’s not about her.


It’s about me. We’re having this match… this RUSH Championship match… to highlight the ALL-STAR, not give Mya Denton yet another chance to desperately grab a hold of some form of relevancy.


Well, congratulations anyway, Mya – you are in a plum position. I want you to realize just how precious your spot this coming Monday is. You’re not just facing the All-Star. You’re not just challenging for the RUSH Championship. You are challenging the TOP GUY in EMERGE for the current TOP PRIZE. It’s such a prestigious moment for you to be able to step into the ring with an athlete of my calibre. Think about it, Mya… this is a chance that doesn’t come along often. This is a match you will be able to tell your kids about… your grandkids, even! Think about it… think about how much awe they will be in when you tell them “I wrestled Gavin Taylor for the RUSH Championship!”… When I am indentured as a legend of this sport, you’ll be able to reminisce that you not only got to witness my rise to the top, you got to participate in it! Your grandkids will think that’s so cool that you got to play even a tiny role in my rise to the top! Because really, Mya, that’s all this is. And the sooner you come to accept that, the easier it’s going to be for you to accept when it’s all said and done, when I’m standing over you lifting my RUSH Championship above my head as I have done for so long now.


I’m sure you’ll give it the old college try. That’s the difference between you and me. You have to TRY to step up… TRY to rise up the ranks. I simply DO. I’m a winner by birth. A natural-born star! Accept your fate, and make it easier on yourself. Because the RUSH Championship? It stays with me.”






Gavin sits in his limo, his A.S.S. seated across from him sharing the iPad that they hold forward for the All-Star. On the other side of the screen is Ava St. Claire, dressed almost in formal attire in her private dwelling.


“So how did your meeting with Dex go?” Gavin asks, sitting back with a glass of something in his hands, which he has resting along the back of the seat as he casually perches his right foot across his left knee. Ava, on the other side, is removing her earrings after the apparent conclusion of said meeting.


“He was… receptive,” Ava responds, using possibly the best word she could think of to describe Dexter Schmidt. “I presented the idea that, as current top Champion, you should be able to vacate the RUSH Championship and simply move into the position of EMERGE Champion.”


“And did he say he would do that?” Gavin asks. Ava, on the iPad, shakes her head.


“He said it would be taken “under advisement”,” she responds. “It’s not a ‘No’…”


“But it’s not a ‘Yes’ either,” Gavin says, filling in the end of Ava’s statement. He also nods. “That’s alright. I’m still the All-Star. I’m still the top guy in EMERGE, it’s longest-reigning current Champion. It makes sense for Dex to make me Champion. It shouldn’t be too hard to convince him of my merits. “


“Either way, I’ll work a little more to open his eyes,” Ava assures Gavin. “I have another meeting set up with him the day of the show.”


Gavin nods his head. “Good, good,” he says. “Keep me updated.”


The contact between Ava and Gavin gets cut off, and Jack takes the iPad. “What do you think’ll happen, boss?” Jack asks.


“Think this Dexter guy’s gonna give in?” Karl adds his own line to the piece. Gavin smirks, taking a drink from whatever unidentified liquid is in his glass. He swirls the glass around before swallowing and placing his arm back along the back of the seat.


“Dexter’s a smart enough kid,” he says. “At least, I think he is. He has a chance to prove me right by naming me EMERGE Champ, or proving me wrong by refusing to. I hope he does the right thing. Would be a shame to have to undermine him right off the bat.”


Gavin laughs, prompting Jack and Karl to laugh in kind. As the limo drives off into the distance, the scene fades to black.

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